
Fiona Apple roasts Donald Trump in amazing new Christmas carol parody

Fiona Apple roasts Donald Trump in amazing new Christmas carol parody
Fiona Apple Photo: promo photo

Fiona Apple channeled her inner Lily Allen this week when she put out a short YouTube video of her “new” Christmas carol, “Trump’s Nuts.” The song is a remake of Nat King Cole’s hit “The Christmas Song,” but in the days of nutjobs and nutcrackers, it’s wholly appropriate – especially the accompaniment by her barking dog.

Trump’s nuts roasting on an open fire
as he keeps nipping at his foes.
you’ll cry creepy uncle
every time he arrives
for he keeps clawing at your clothes
everybody knows some money and entitlement
can help to make the season white
mothers of color with their kids out of sight
will find it hard to sleep at night.

They know that truuump is on his way.
he’s got black boys in hoodies locked up on his sleigh
and every working man is going to cry
when they learn that Letch don’t care how you live or if you die

Sooo I’m offering this simple phrase
to kids from 1 to 92
although it’s been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas to you
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Donald Trump, f**k you

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