“We are worried because he has Mike Pence as his VP who is against trans people in every aspect. He has a cabinet of Republicans along with strategically placing people in positions that will help in some ways will make it easier for them to push back some of the progress that we’ve been working so hard to gain. We know that it’s not going to be easy but its the fact that they’ve tossed to much of this negativity out in the atmosphere already. it is crucial that we continue to stay strong through it all.”Tiq Milan, a trans man of color who is an acclaimed writer, speaker and advocate, offered LGBTQNation his view:
“We’re scared that this administration will not only attempt to roll back the progress we’ve made in terms of policies and protections but they will allow the hateful rhetoric that routinely turns into violence to go unchecked. We’re concerned about social programs and outlets that so many trans people of color depend on (because we’re 8 times more likely to live in poverty due to rampant discrimination and transphobia) being gutted.”“The fear that I have as a young out transgender individual is that I don’t feel that my rights will be protected or respected by the coming administration, considering the stance that the vice president-elect has taken in his home state regarding gay rights and the LGBT community,” said Van Brown of Auburn, Ala., a disabled veteran and trans woman of color. She sent a message to LGBTQNation via Facebook: “Also, there are already various laws around the country, states banning transgender individuals from using the restroom at the gym that matches the gender with which they identify. I feel that because the transgender community is smaller than the broader gay rights movement that we are in jeopardy of being singled out and targeted.”