News (USA)

Vote on Houston LGBT anti-bias ordinance still possible

Vote on Houston LGBT anti-bias ordinance still possible

HOUSTON — Houston city leaders still don’t know whether opponents of new anti-bias protections for LGBT residents have enough signatures to force a repeal vote in November.

HoustonThe Houston City Council in May adopted the discrimination bans in housing, employment and services provided by private businesses such as hotels and restaurants. Critics contend the ordinance impedes on religious liberties.

The Houston Chronicle reports that a minimum of roughly 17,000 signatures is needed to let voters decide the issue this fall. Opponents claim they’ve collected nearly triple that number.

City Attorney David Feldman told council members Friday it was too soon to tell whether there are enough valid signatures. He said verifying has been meticulous and proven time-consuming.

Mayor Annise Parker has expressed confidence that voters would uphold the ordinance.

Information from: Houston Chronicle,

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