Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., has become the first openly LGBT candidate to win election to the U.S. Senate.
Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, issued the following statement:
“This night will go down in history. This is a historic victory not only for the people of Wisconsin, but for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans across the country who have finally gained an authentic and powerful voice in Congress’ upper chamber. Tonight Tammy shattered a glass ceiling that has existed for more than two centuries, and we could not be more thrilled.
As Tammy said earlier this morning when she stopped to vote in Madison, ‘The people who had faith that this was possible made it possible.’ So I want to thank her supporters for keeping the faith. Thank you for sticking with us and believing this community can achieve great things. We can, and we did. I also want to thank our remarkable partners at EMILY’s List, who have been tireless in fighting for Tammy’s election, and I want to congratulate the hundreds of volunteers and groups who worked so hard during this campaign.”
Update: Statement by Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin:
“Tammy Baldwin has always been a trailblazer, but with her victory tonight Senator-elect Baldwin has again earned her spot in the history books. As the first openly gay person elected to the United States Senate, Tammy Baldwin is a role model for LGBT youth and all young women across the country.
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“With a relentless focus on the issues that matter most to Wisconsin voters — economic security, access to healthcare, and fairness and inclusion for all. As a result, she’s earned the respect of all her constituents, gay and straight. It was HRC’s privilege to be part of the broad coalition that helped ensure her victory, and we can’t wait to work with her and her team as she takes on this new role.”
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