
Richard Land: Gay activists seek full-blown ‘sexual paganization of society’

Richard Land: Gay activists seek full-blown ‘sexual paganization of society’
Richard Land

Over the weekend, the Liberty Counsel’s Rena Lindevaldsen was a guest on “Richard Land Live!” where she and Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, discussed her new book chronicling the case involving her client, ex-gay kidnapper Lisa Miller.

During the program, Land warned that gay rights activists seek to “reduce [Christians] to the level of the Ku Klux Klan” so that they will be ostracized by society and went on to assert that gays are “recruiting” children, which is a form a child abuse, while claiming that homosexuality is “incomprehensible.”

In the end, Land claimed, gays really just want to destroy the institution of marriage in order to bring about the “full-blown paganization” of America:

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