The following rambling is paranoid homophobic bigotry of the highest order. And it would be hilarious, except when one realizes who it is coming from.
“Many Christians are only now awakening to the seriousness of the threat to our society posed by the homosexual movement. But, unfortunately for us all, it is only the sounding of the victory trumpets by ‘gay’ activists that has stirred Christians from their slumber.
“The watchman’s walls have been broken and breached, the village is in flames, and triumphal “gay” culture warriors are leading a long string of young prisoners by their necks into the woods. Most disturbingly, many of the captives, including some of the children of these still sleepy-eyed Christian parents, seem happy to go.”
Scott Lively, head of the SPLC-declared hate group Abiding Truth Ministries and author of the discredited piece of garbage, The Pink Swatiska (a book claiming that gays were responsible for Hitler’s Nazi Party), wrote the piece which appeared last week in World Net Daily.
And it is pretty much the same vein of trash which Lively has made a living in declaring – i.e. claiming that gays are secretly plotting to take over America, “indoctrinate children,” and cause all sorts of mayhem.
It’s the same trash one would hear from folks like Matt Barber and Peter LaBarbera, except for one thing. As odious as LaBarbera and Barber are, neither person has the death of an innocent on their heads.
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For edification of those with a bad memory, let me remind you that Lively was one of the American homophobes who went to the African country of Uganda and spread all of those lies about gays molesting children. The hysteria he and his ilk caused led to that awful “kill the gays” bill which some folks in that country have been trying to pass for over a year now.
And the hysteria Lively caused also led to vicious persecution of Ugandan gays and lesbians, the most stark example being the brutal murder of Ugandan gay activist David Kato.
Lively has been pushing that nonsense for a long time now. He advocated “criminalizing homosexuality”as far back as 2007. In a piece entitled Letter to the Russian People, Lively had this to say:
My philosophy is to leave homosexuals alone if they keep their lifestyle private, and not to force them into therapy if they don’t want it. However, homosexuality is destructive to individuals and to society and it should never publicly promoted. The easiest way to discourage gay pride parades and other homosexual advocacy is to make such activity illegal in the interest of public health and morality.
It’s something that the LGBTQ community must take into account. Sometimes the most outrageous ramblings by homophobes are seen as funny until we remember that some gullible people take them seriously.
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Bigot Scott Lively warns: Gays are winning ‘culture war’ and taking prisoners