A lesbian student at a Long Island Catholic high school has been has been banned from taking a girlfriend to the senior prom.
Angelina Lange, 17, of Bay Shore, N.Y. said she requested permission to bring a former girlfriend as her date to the prom at St. Anthony’s High School in South Huntington, but was told she could only bring a male date.
We thought it would send a mixed message to OK her request,” said school principal and Franciscan, Brother Gary [Cregan].
“Our Catholic faith specifies that marriage involves a man and a woman and our policies on dating must reflect that,” he added.
As a private school, St. Anthony’s said it is free to restrict its events as it sees fit, and Angelina said she will not challenge the decision. Lange is reportedly the first student to put forth such a request at the school, which was founded in 1933.
Although private, Catholic schools in New York do receive some taxpayer funding.
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