News (USA)

New poll suggests gay marriage losing support in NJ

NJ gay marriageNew Jersey voters now oppose gay-marriage legislation by a slim margin, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released this week, reports the New Jersey Star-Ledger.

The poll, conducted between Nov. 17 and Nov. 22, found 49 percent of adult residents are opposed to giving gay couples the right to marry while 46 percent are in favor of it. Six percent were undecided.

A poll conducted by Quinnipiac earlier this year had almost the opposite results — 49 percent of voters supported gay marriage, while 43 percent did not.

“When we asked about gay marriage in April, it won narrow approval. Now that it seems closer to a legislative vote, it loses narrowly with the public,” said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Steven Goldstein, chair of Garden State Equality, said the university’s most recent poll was “barely outside” its own margin of error.

“You have to giggle. Three out of four polls in the past year, including one by Quinnipiac, show New Jerseyans in support of marriage equality,” Goldstein said.

A Rutgers-Eagleton poll released last week found narrow support for the bill, with 46 percent of residents supporting marriage equality and 42 percent against it.

Democratic lawmakers met Monday to discuss legislation to legalize same-sex marriage, but they did not make a decision on allowing the proposal to come to a vote.

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