
Mexico supreme court orders gay marriages recognized country wide

Mexico supreme court orders gay marriages recognized country wide

Mexico’s supreme court ruled Tuesday that same-sex marriages in Mexico City must be recognized in all 31 states throughout the country, though the ruling does not mean other states have to allow gay weddings performed within their jurisdiction.

Gay couples celebrate their unions after marrying in Mexico City on March 11 under the new law.

In a 9-2 decision, the court cited an article of the constitution requiring states to recognize legal contracts drawn up elsewhere. The two judges who voted against the measure argued that it would damage the harmony of the federal system.

Last week, the court upheld the landmark law permitting same-sex marriages in Mexico City, and rejected the conservative federal government’s claim that the law is unconstitutional because it threatens the institution of the family.

The Court is scheduled to rule next on whether or not homosexual adoptions are constitutional.

Opponents argue that such adoptions violate the rights of children, enshrined in international treaties of which Mexico is a signatory.

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